
This is a reference for the configuration for XMvn.



Root element of the configuration file.

Element Type Description
properties/key=value* Properties (Many) This element lists system Java properties that should be set before XMvn build is started.
repositories/repository* List<Repository> (Many) List of repositories. Repositories can be used by resolvers as source of artifacts, by installers as target where artifacts should be installed, or by any other component.
buildSettings BuildSettings This element contains basic XMvn settings.
artifactManagement/rule* List<PackagingRule> (Many) This element configures how artifacts should be assigned to individual packages.
resolverSettings ResolverSettings This element contains configuration of XMvn resolver.
installerSettings InstallerSettings This element contains configuration of XMvn installer.


Artifact repository.

Element Type Description
id String Unique string identifying this repository.
type String Role hint of Plexus component implementing the repository.
stereotypes/stereotype* List<Stereotype> (Many) List of artifact types that can be stored in this repository. Empty list means that this repository can store any artifact type.
properties/key=value* Properties (Many) Properties associated with this repository. Properties can be freely used by the implementation, so their exact meaning depends on repository type. See documentation for repository types to see list of supported properties.
configuration DOM Arbitrary XML used to configure structure of the repository. Configuration can be freely used by the implementation, so their exact meaning depends on repository type. See documentation for repository types to see the format of supported configuration (if any).
filter DOM A boolean expression describing which artifacts can be stored in this repository.


Stereotype of Maven artifact.

Element Type Description
type String Type ID of the stereotype.
extension String Extension of the artifact.
classifier String Classifier of the artifact.


Basic build settings.

Element Type Description
debug Boolean Whether detailed debugging information about the build process should be logged.
skipTests Boolean Whether compilation and execution of unit and integration tests should be skipped.
compilerSource String Compatibility version of Java sources in the reactor. If not specified then it defaults to 1.6 or whatever is specified in configuration of Maven Compiler Plugin.


Identification of Maven Artifact.

Element Type Description
artifactGlob Artifact Pattern specifying one or more Maven artifacts.
targetPackage String Name of binary package into which artifacts are assigned.
targetRepository String ID of repository into which artifacts are installed.
files/file* List<String> (Many) Files holding the artifact.
versions/version* List<String> (Many) Compatibility versions of the artifact.
aliases/alias* List<Artifact> (Many) Alternative identifiers of artifacts.
optional Boolean Whether this rule is optional. Non-optional rules cause uild failure if they are not matched.
Default value is: false.


Identifier of Maven artifact.

Element Type Description
groupId String Group ID of the artifact.
Default value is: .
artifactId String Artifact ID of the artifact.
Default value is: .
version String Version of the artifact.
Default value is: .
classifier String Classifier of the artifact.
Default value is: .
stereotype String Maven stereotype of the artifact.
Default value is: .
extension String Extension of the artifact.
Default value is: .


Identifier of Maven artifact.

Element Type Description
groupId String Group ID of the artifact.
Default value is: .
artifactId String Artifact ID of the artifact.
Default value is: .
version String Version of the artifact.
Default value is: .
classifier String Classifier of the artifact.
Default value is: .
stereotype String Maven stereotype of the artifact.
Default value is: .
extension String Extension of the artifact.
Default value is: .


XMvn settings related to resolution of artifacts.

Element Type Description
debug Boolean Whether detailed debugging information about artifact resolution process should be logged.
localRepositories/repository* List<String> (Many) List of local repositories where XMvn will look for artifacts.
metadataRepositories/repository* List<String> (Many) List of repositories where XMvn will look for metadata files.
ignoreDuplicateMetadata Boolean Whether XMvn should refuse to resolve artifact that have more than a single piece of metadata.
prefixes/prefix* List<String> (Many) List of prefixes that XMvn resolver will prepend to system repositories.
blacklist/artifact* List<Artifact> (Many) List of blacklisted artifacts which will not be resolved.


XMvn settings related to installation of artifacts.

Element Type Description
debug Boolean Whether additional debugging information about artifact nstallation should be printed.
metadataDir String Directory into which XMvn metadata files are be installed.