Test plan

Plan describes a way to build RPM packages. It specifies what packages are built, in which order and with what RPM macros defined.

Plan consists of consecutive phases. Each phase consists of a number of independant RPM builds that can be done in parallel. Once all RPMs in particular phase are successfully built, a YUM repository is created out of them and made available to subsequent phases.

Plan does not specify sources for each component. That information is part of test subject.

Machine-readable information about test plan in XML format can be found in plan.xml. Human-readable information is included below.

Global macros

RPM macros that are defined for all component builds in the whole plan:

Phase phase1

There are no specific macros defined for this phase.

Components built in this phase:

Phase phase2

RPM macros specific to this phase: Components built in this phase:

Phase phase3

There are no specific macros defined for this phase.

Components built in this phase:

Phase phase4

There are no specific macros defined for this phase.

Components built in this phase:

Phase phase5

There are no specific macros defined for this phase.

Components built in this phase: